Sunday, December 30, 2012


Sai perchè
Cerco in te
La felicità
Che sarà
Perchè sei
Sei tu nei miei
Sogni e nelle nostalgie
Così fortemente mia
Ma con te
Vola via
L'eco di un dolore che
Pesa in questa vita mia
Ma io come potrò
Essere sempre l'unico
Regalarti il sogno che
Tu m'hai fatto vivere
Amore mio
Come il sole anche di più
Scaldi questo cuore tu
Sai perchè
Stiamo insieme io e te
Per te il nostro amore è
Un incontro d'anime



Come un bel dì di maggio
Che con bacio di vento
E carezza di raggio,
Si spegne in firmamento,
Col bacio io d’una rima,
Carezza di poesia,
Salgo l’estrema cima
Dell’esistenza mia.

La sfera che cammina
Per ogni umana sorte
Ecco gia mi avvicina,
All’ora della morte,
E forse pria che l’ultilma
Mia strofa sia finita
M’annuncierà il carnefice
La fine della vita.

Sia! strofe, ultima dea!
Ancor dona al tuo poeta
La sfolgorante idea,
La fiamma consueta;
Io, a te, mentre tu vivida
A me sgorghi dal cuore,
Darò per rima,
Il gelido spiro d’un uom che muore.



Addio, fiorito asil
di letizia e d’amor!
Sempre il mite tuo sembiante
con strazio atroce vedrò
Addio, fiorito asil,
non reggo al tuo squallor.
Ah, non reggo al tuo squallor.
Fuggo, fuggo, ah, son vil!
Addio, non reggo al tuo squallor,
Ah! son vil,
ah! son vil!



Recondita armonia di bellezze diverse!
È bruna Floria, l’ardente amante mia,
e te, beltade ignota
cinta di chiome bionde!
Tu azzurro hai l’occhio
Tosca ha l’occhio nero!
L'arte nel suo mistero
le diverse bellezze insiem confonde:
ma nel ritrar costei
il mio solo pensiero,
ah! il mio sol pensier sei tu!
Tosca, sei tu!

[Translation: What subtle harmony]

What subtle harmony of different beauties!
Floria, my passionate lover is a brunette
and you, unknown beauty,
are framed by fair hair
you have blue eyes
Tosca has dark eyes
the mysterious art
mixes the different beauties together:
but while I paint her
I only think
Ah! I only think of you
Tosca, of you!


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - De' Miei Bollenti Spiriti

Lunge da lei per me non v'ha diletto!
Volaron già tre lune
dacché la mia Violetta
agi per me lasciò, dovizie, amori
e le pompose feste,
ov'agli omaggi avvezza,
vedea schiavo ciascun di sua bellezza.
Ed or contenta in questi ameni luoghi
tutto scorda per me.
Qui presso a lei io rinascer mi sento,
e dal soffio d'amor rigenerato
scordo ne'gaudi suoi tutto il passato.

De' miei bollenti spiriti
il giovanile ardore
ella temprò col placido
sorriso dell'amor, dell'amor!
Dal dì che disse:
vivere io voglio io voglio a te fedel,
dell'universo immemore
io vivo, io vivo quasi,
io vivo quasi in ciel.

Dal dì che disse:
vivere io voglio a te fedel,
Ah sì…dell'universo immemore
io vivo, io vivo quasi,
io vivo quasi in ciel.
Io vivo in ciel.
Dell'universo immemore.
Io vivo quasi in ciel.
Ah sì, io vivo quasi in cielo.

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - De' Miei Bollenti Spiriti


Che gelida manina,
se la lasci riscaldar.
Cercar che giova?
Al buio non si trova.
Ma per fortuna
è una notte di luna,
e qui la luna
l'abbiamo vicina.

Aspetti, signorina,
le dirò con due parole
chi son, e che faccio,
come vivo. Vuole?

Chi son? Sono un poeta.
Che cosa faccio? Scrivo.
E come vivo? Vivo.
In povertà mia lieta
scialo da gran signore
rime ed inni d'amore.
Per sogni e per chimere
e per castelli in aria,
l'anima ho milionaria.
Talor dal mio forziere
ruban tutti i gioelli
due ladri, gli occhi belli.
V'entrar con voi pur ora,
ed i miei sogni usati
e i bei sogni miei,
tosto si dileguar!
Ma il furto non m’accora,
poichè, poichè v’ha preso stanza
la speranza!
Or che mi conoscete,
parlate voi, deh! Parlate. Chi siete?
Vi piaccia dir!



Se quell guerrier io fossi!
Se il mio sogno si avverasse!
Un esercito di prodi da me guidato,
e la vittoria e il plauso di Menfi tutta!
E a te, mia dolce Aida,
Tornar di lauri cinto…
Dirti: per te ho pugnato per te ho vinto!

Celeste Aida, forma divina,
Mistico serto di luce e fior,
Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,
Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.

Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti,
Le dolci brezze del patrio suol,
Un regal serto sul crin posarti,
Ergerti un trono vicino al sol. Ah!

Celeste Aida, forma divina,
Mistico raggio di luce e fior,
Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,
Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.

Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti,
Le dolci brezze del patrio suol,
Un regal serto sul crin posarti,
Ergerti un trono vicino al sol.

Un trono vicino al sol,



Questa o quella per me pari sono
a quant’ altre d’ intorno mi vedo,
del mio core 1’impero non cedo
meglio ad una che ad altre belta
La costoro avvenenza è qual dono
di che il fato ne infiora la vita
s’ oggi questa mi torna gradita
forse un’ altra doman lo sarà.
La costanza tiranna delcore
detestiamo qual morbo crudele,
sol chi vuole si serbi fedele;
Non v’è amor se non v’è libertà.
De’ i mariti il geloso furore,
degli amanti le smanie derido,
anco d' Argo i cent’occhi disfido
se mi punge una qualche beltà.


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Possente Amor Mi Chiama

Possente amor mi chiama,
volar io deggio a lei;
il serto mio darei
per consolar quel cor.
il serto mio darei
per consolar quel cor.

Ah! sappia alfin chi l'ama,
conosca alfin chi sono,
apprenda ch'anco in trono
ha degli schiavi Amor.
Apprenda ch'anco in trono,
ch'anco in trono
ha degli schiavi
ha degli schiavi Amor.

Oh! Qual pensier or l'agita?
Come cangiò d'umor!
Come cangiò d'umor!
Oh! Qual pensier or l'agita?
Come cangiò d'umor!
Oh! Qual pensier or l'agita?
Oh! Qual pensier or l'agita?
Come cangiò d'umor!
Come cangiò d'umor!
Come cangiò d'umor!

Possente amor mi chiama,
volar io deggio a lei;
il serto mio darei
per consolar quel cor.
il serto mio darei
per consolar quel cor.

Ah! sappia alfin chi l'ama,
conosca alfin chi sono,
apprenda ch'anco in trono
ha degli schiavi Amor.
Apprenda ch'anco in trono
ch'anco in trono
ha degli schiavi
ha degli schiavi Amor.

Oh! Qual pensier or l'agita?
Oh! Qual pensier or l'agita?
Come cangiò d'umor!
Ha degli schiavi Amor.
Come cangiò d'umor!
Come cangiò d'umor!
Oh! Qual pensier or l'agita?
Oh! Qual pensier or l'agita?
Come cangiò d'umor!
Ha degli schiavi Amor.
Come cangiò d'umor!
Come cangiò d'umor!
Ha degli schiavi Amor.
Come cangiò d'umor!
Ha degli schiavi Amor.
Come cangiò d'umor!

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Possente Amor Mi Chiama


Ella mi fu rapita!
E quando, o ciel... Ne' brevi
istanti prima che il mio presagio inferno
sull'orma corsa ancora mi spingesse!
Schiuso era l'uscio! E la magion deserta!
E dove ora sarà quell'angiol caro?
Colei che prima potè in questo core
destar la fiamma di costanti affetti?
Colei sì pura, al cui modesto sguardo
quasi spinto a virtù talor me credo?

Ella mi fu rapita!
E chi l'ardiva?...
Ma ne avrò, ma ne avrò vendetta...
Lo chiede il pianto della mia diletta.

Parmi veder le lagrime
scorrenti da quel ciglio,
quando fra il dubbio a l'ansia
del subito periglio,
dell'amor nostro memore
dell'amor nostro memore
il suo Gualtier chiamò.
Ned ei potea soccorrerti,
cara fanciulla amata;
ei che vorria coll'anima
farti quaggiù beata;
ei che le sfere agli angeli
ei che le sfere agli angeli
per te non invidiò.

Ei che le sfere,
le sfere agli angeli per te,
per te le sfere agli angeli
per te non invidiò.
Non invidiò per te.



Di' tu se fedele
il flutto m'aspetta,
se molle di pianto
la donna diletta
dicendomi addio
dicendomi addio
tradì l'amor mio,
tradì l'amor mio.

Con lacere vele
a l'alma in tempesta,
i solchi so franger
dell'onda funesta,
l'averno ed il cielo
irati sfidar,
l'averno ed il cielo
irati sfidar.

Sollecita esplora,
Divina gli eventi:
non possono i fulmin,
la rabbia de'venti,
la morte, l'amore
sviarmi dal mar.

La morte, l'amore
sviarmi dal mar.
La morte, l'amore
sviarmi dal mar.

Non posson i fulmin,
la rabbia de' venti,
la mort, l'amor
sviarlo dal mar.

Sull'agile prora
che m'agita in grembo,
se scosso mi sveglio
ai fischi del nembo,
ripeto fra'tuoni,
ripeto fra'tuoni
le dolci canzoni,
le dolci canzoni –

Le dolci canzoni
del tetto natio,
che i baci ricordan
dell'ultimo addio,
a tutte raccendon
le forze del cor,
a tutte raccendon
le forze del cor.

Su, dunque, risuoni
La tua profezia,
Di' ciò che può sorger
dal fato qual sia,
nell'anime nostre
non entra terror.

Non entra terror!
Nell'anime nostre
non entra terror.
Nell'anime nostre
non entra terror.

Nell'anime nostre
non entra terror.

Nell'anime nostre
non entra terror!



Ah sì, ben mio; coll'essere io tuo,
tu mia consorte,
avrò più l'alma intrepida,
il braccio avrò più forte.
Ma pur, se nella pagina
de' miei destini è scritto
ch'io resti fra le vittime,
dal ferro ostil trafitto,
ch'io resti fra le vittime,
dal ferro ostil trafitto,
fra quegli estremi aneliti
a te il pensier verrà, verrà
e solo in ciel precederti
la morte a me parrà!

Fra quegli estremi aneliti
la morte a me parrà, parrà.
E solo in ciel precederti
la morte a me parrà!
la morte a me, a me parrà
e solo in ciel
e solo in ciel precederti
la morte a me parrà,
la morte a me parrà!



Di quella pira l'orrendo foco
tutte le fibre m'arse, avvampò!
Empi, spegnetela, o ch'io fra poco
col sangue vostro la spegnerò!

Era già figlio prima d'amarti,
non può frenarmi il tuo martir...
Madre infelice, corro a salvarti,
o teco almeno corro a morir!
o teco almeno corro a morir!
o teco almeno
o teco almeno corro a morir!

Non reggo a colpi tanto funesti...
Oh quanto meglio sarìa morir!
Oh quanto meglio sarìa morir!

Di quella pira l'orrendo foco
tutte le fibre m'arse, avvampò!
Empi, spegnetela, o ch'io fra poco
col sangue vostro la spegnerò!

Era già figlio prima d'amarti,
non può frenarmi il tuo martir...
Madre infelice, corro a salvarti,
o teco almeno corro a morir!
o teco almeno corro a morir!
o teco almeno
o teco almeno corro a morir!

All'armi! all'armi!…

Madre infelice, corro a salvarti,
o teco almeno
o teco almeno corro a morir!

Madre infelice, corro a salvarti,
o teco almeno
o teco almeno corro a morir!

All'armi! all'armi!


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - A Mio Padre (6 Maggio 1992)

Caro Babbo,
Inutile discutere
D'accordo non saremo mai
Che cosa c'e di strano in cio
Trent'anni ci separano
O forse
C'e il timore in te
Di non trovare piu la forza
D'essere al mio fianco
Se gli ostacoli mi fermano.

Non preoccuparti, ascoltami
Avro problemi
Affronto infami ma
Niente mi spaventera'
Niente mi corrompera'
Niente al mondo
Mi fara scordare che
Posso vincere
E voglio farcela da me.
E voglio farcela da me.

So bene che per te e difficile
Questa smania di combattere
Osare l'impossibile....lo so

Ti sembrera incredibile
Ma piu ci penso piu m'accorgo che
Assomiglio proprio a te
E non sai come vorrei
Che la forza non ti abbandonasse mai
Per averti qui
E non arrendermi

Ciao Babbo,
A presto.


Dear Father,
It's useless to argue
We'll never agree
There's nothing strange with that Thirty years separate us
Or maybe
You are afraid
Not to find the strength
To stand by my side
If the obstacles should stop me

Don't worry, listen to me
I may have problems
I may face infamous people but
Nothing shall scare me
Nothing shall corrupt me
Nothing in the world
Will make me forget that
I can win
And I want to make it on my own.
And I want to make it on my own.

I know it's difficult for you
To justify
Such a restless impatience to fight
To dare the impossible

You'll find it incredible
But the more I think about it the more I realize
I am really like you
And you don't know how I wish
That your strength will never leave you
To have you next to me
And never surrender

Goodbye Father,
See you soon.

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - A Mio Padre (6 Maggio 1992)


Lentamente scendi
Dentro al cuore tu
Amore, che vedi laggiu?

La neve piu non c'e
Amore tu lo sai
Quanta strada sai
per arrivare a te
Strada in salita sai
Ma mi fa vivere
Tu sciogli l'anima che e

Persa ormai dietro a te
Persa se non sei qui
Un po'di te e il mio
canto diventa un'onda
E per me e la vita
Presa sai insieme a te
Senza ma senza se
Vita che lentamente torna a
volare un'altra con te

La neve piu non c'e
Amore tu che sei
La strada sei
Che scende dentro me
Che come un fiume va
E come un fiume tu
Mi prendi l'anima che...

S'aprira insieme a te
Senza ma senza se
Accendera i colori
dentro i tuoi occhi
Non sara mai piu neve
Salira, salira,
s'aprira con te.


Slowly you come to me
Right into my heart
Tell me my love, what do you see there?

The snow has all but melted
My love, I think you know
It's been such a long way
to reach you
A steep, but worthwhile climb
But it makes me feel alive
Only you can set my soul free

A soul which is lost after you
And lost when you're not here
To reach just a part of you
gives momentum to my song
And this for me is life
A life, together, with you
A life without the "if"
A life, slowly learning to fly again,
together with you

The snow has all but melted
My love, and it's thanks to you
And as it melts, like you,
it flows into me
Flows, just like a river
And just like a river
you effortlessly carry my soul

A soul which has opened up for you
Without the "if"
It will light up the colours
in your eyes
There will never be snow again
it will climb and climb until
It will open up with you.



Quanto tempo è
Che ho scelto te
Quanta la strada
Dietro a noi
E oramai sarò
Parte di te
Mi sento
Come una goccia
Nel mare tuo
Come una foglia
Nel tuo albero
Come una pietra
Nella casa che
Anche per me farai

Quanto tempo c’è
Davanti a noi
Dopo gli errori
Miei e tuoi

Ma oramai tu sei
Parte di me
Ti sento
Come il mio corpo
La mia città
Come i bei sogni
Che mi attendono
Come una pietra
Che metto via
Per fare casa mia



Solo, come fosse un'abitudine
Passo fuori al bar anche stasera
C'e nell'aria un'eco che solletica
Una voce che non sembra nuova
E anche se vicina ti nascondi sai perche
Perche tu stai parlando ancor di me
Tu non mi sai dementicar
Ad un'amica che non sa
Tu stai parlando del mio cuor
In tutto il bar aroma di caffe
E risuona al banco dei gelati
La tua favola d'amore
La calunnia e un venticello perfido
Dissero il maestro e la sua penna
Tu hai creduto vere tante chiacchiere
Ma per me non c'era alcun motivo
Di prestare credito all'invidia sospettosa
E tu stai li che parli ancor di me
Tu non saprai dimenticar
Il mio inglese incerto che
Ti ha conquistata in questo bar
Quanti caffe hai bevuto insieme a me
Io ti dissi I love Rossini
lei conosce l'opera Italiana
Qui davanti al banco dei gelati io
Mostro alla tua amica il mio amore
Diteglielo voi alla mia bella
Che vi seide accanto indifferent
Che se l'opera non basta
ci sara un'altra canzone
Mentre stai parlando ancor di me
Tu non mi sai dementicar
Io sto cantando ancor di te
Perche io non ti so scordar


Alone, as if by force of habit
Even tonight, I stop by the bar
An echo, taunting me, fills the air
It's a voice, a voice that's all too familiar
It's you, so close, but you hide
Because you're still talking about me
Could it be you cannot forget me
To a friend that knows nothing of me
You're talking of my heart
And the bar, it smells of coffee
You can hear you love story
At the ice cream counter
Slander is a wicked wind
Said the writer with his pen
But you believed it to be true
While for me there was no reason
To give credence to suspicious envy.
Yet even now, your're still talking about me
Could it be you cannot forget me
My faltering command of english
That won your love right here
And countless coffees we shared together
I told you "I Love Rossini,
you know, the Italian opera"
Right here, by the ice cream counter
Now I'm explaining this love to your friend
I plead, tell this to my love
She sits there, uncaring, at your side
Tell her if the opera isn't enough,
There will be another song
While you are talking about me
Then surely, you haven't forgotten
And I'm still singing about you
Because I know I can't forget you



T'amo e tremo
Disse la donna
Al suo soldato
Che non tornava
La sua voce
Nel vento correva
Sopra la neve
Dove lui combatteva

Tremo e t'amo
Disse e piangeva
Nel buio della sala
Qualcuno rideva
Per far torto alla paura
A questo amore che gia finiva

Il ricordo tradisce la mente
Il soldato non sente piu niente

Fu preso alle spalle
Dal suo nemico
Che strano parlava
Delle rose, del vino e di cose
Che un'altra vita gli prometteva
Ma quante spose
La guerra toglieva
Dalle bracia della prima sera

Tremo e ho freddo
Disse il soldato
Al suo nemico che lo guardava
La sua voce nel vento restava
Sulla platea che muta ascoltava


I love you and I'm trembling
Said the woman
To her soldier
Who wouldn't be coming back.
Her plaintive voice
Was carried by the wind
Across the chilling snow
To where her soldier fought

I'm trembling and I love you
She whispered as she cried
And in the darkness of the room
Somebody laughed
In conquest of the fear
That this love was about to end

But sweet memories can betray you
The soldier doesn't feel anything anymore

From behind
His enemy strikes
Who, stragely, was speaking
Of roses, of wine, of life's other joys
That were promised him in another life
Oh, how many brides
Will war take away
From that first night's warm embrace

I'm trembling and I'm cold
Said the soldier
To his enemy, just like himself
His voice hung motionless in the wind
Heard by the silent audience of those that fell before him



Conosci gia l'amore
Che vuole lei
Tu saprai che dovrai
Dare tutto quel che hai
A lei
Ti legherai finche vivrai, a lei...

Ti prendera il cuore
Ti vincera
Lei sara la tua strada
Che non puoi lasciare mai
A lei
Ti legherai finche vivrai, a lei...

E non c'e niente come lei
E non c'e niente da capire
E tutta li
La sua grandezza
In quella leggerezza
Che solo lei ti da

Sara cosi e poi
Sara di piu
Perche tu ci crederai
A lei
Ti legherai finche vivrai, a lei...

E non c'e niente come lei
E non c'e niente da capire
Lei e cosi
Puoi solo dire
Che piu ti fa soffrire
Piu ancora l'amerai

Finche tu vorrai scoprire
Dentro un brivido che da
Il segreto della sua eternita

A lei
Quello che restera
Del tuo tempo che verra
A lei
Ti legherai, per sempre avrai
Nel cuore lei...


You already know
The love she wants
You'll know
You have to give everything, all of it
To her
You'll become as one with her, forever...

She'll touch your heart
She'll win your heart
She'll be your path
That leads to what you lacked, the path
To her
You'll become as one with her, forever

And nothing can compare with her
There's really nothing to understand
It's just the secret of
Her greatness
The sheer joy
That she alone can give

And that's how, now, it will always be
Until it becomes even more
You'll love her, oh how you'll love her
Because you trust yourself to her
To her
You'll become as one, with her, forever

And nothing can compare with her
There's really nothing to understand
That's just the way she is
All you'll know for sure
Is the more she makes you suffer
The more you find you love her

Until at last that dawning
That in the thrill she alone can give
Lies the secret of her eternity

To her
You'll gladly give
All that's left
Of the time you've still to come
To her
You're as one, with her, forever
And she'll be there, in your heart



E, ed e cosi che va
Visi che non ricordo, che passano
E la sala buia e gia
Sembra il mio grande mare e cantero
Ecco, e tutt'intorno sento gia silenzio
La musica che piano dai violini
Ed io rivedo te
Tu, sapere dove sei
In questo grande mare, si tu
Che forse mai rivedro
Viso che passa e va
Questo teatro al buio lascerai

Immenso in questo grande
Mare c'e l'immenso
In questo teatro al buio io ti sento
Io sento che ci sei, sei qui vicino a me
In questo teatro al buio io ti sento
Io sento che ci sei

Si e meglio non pensarti qui vicino
Meglio pensare che gia sei lontano
Cantero, cantero
In questo oceano si, ti ritrovero
Ecco, e tutto intorno sento gia silenzio
La musica e un oceano di violini
Cantero, cantero
Oltre questa notte ti ritrovero
Lo so

Immenso scoprendoti al mio fianco


And so the story goes
Forgettable faces, they come they go
And the room is already dark
This is my sea, my immense sea, and I sing
I can feel the silence around me
And the music rises softly from the violins
Then I see your face again
It's you, and I'm guessing where you are
You, in this, my immense sea
A face I'll probably never see again
That comes, that goes, that fades away
And plunges the theatre back into darkness

Immense in this vast sea
It's so immense, I feel it
I feel you're here, in the theatre, in the darkness
I can feel your presence, right next to me
I feel you're here, in the theatre, in the darkness
I can feel your presence

Yes, it's wiser not tot hink of you here
I'll pretend you're already far away
Then I'll sing and I'll sing
And I'll find you again in this ocean
Once again I'll feel the silence around me
The music, an ocean of violins
And I'll sing and I'll sing
I'll meet you again some day
I know I will

Immense is knowing you're beside me


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Mai Piu' Cosi' Lontano

Mai piu cosi lontano
Mai piu cosi lontano
Mai piu senza la mano
Che ti scalda il cuor
Mai piu cosi lontano
Mai piu cosi lontano
Mai piu senza il calore
Che ti scalda il cuor

E mille giorni
E mille notti
Senza capire
Senza sentire
Senza sapere
Che non c'e niente al mondo
Nemmen nel piu profondo
Sei solo tu
Soltanto tu

Mai piu senza la mano
Che ti scalda il cuor
Mai piu cosi lontano
Mai piu cosi lontano
Mai piusenza l'amore
Di chi ti ha aspettato

E mille giorni
E mille notti
Senza capire
Senza sentire
Senza sapere
Che non c'e niente al mondo
Nemmen nel piu profondo
Sei solo tu
Soltanto tu

Mai piu senza la mano
Che ti scalda il cuor
Mai piu cosi lontano
Mai piu cosi lontano
Mai piusenza l'amore
Di chi ti ha aspettato


Never again so far away
Never again so far away
Never again without the hand
That warms my heart
Never again so far away
Never again so far away
Never again without the passion
That warms my heart

And a thousand days
And a thousand nights
Without understanding
Without feeling
Without realising
That there's nothing else in this world
Not even in the depth of my soul
Your're the only one I need
You, and only you

Never again without the hand
That warms my heart
Never again so far away
Never again so far away
Never again without the love
Of one who has waited for me

And a thousand days
And a thousand nights
Without understanding
Without feeling
Without realising
That there's nothing else in this world
Not even in the depth of my soul
Your're the only one I need
You, and only you

Never again without the hand
That warms my heart
Never again so far away
Never again so far away
Never again without the love
Of one who has waited for me

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Mai Piu' Cosi' Lontano


A che serve piangere
Rinunciare a vivere
Resta qua se ti va
Non pensare, abbracciami
Lasciami sognare
La tua pelle morbida
Voglio accarezzare
E finche non avro
Anche l'anima
Io saro sempe
sulla tua scia
Non puoi fuggire
Perche ti voglio
Perche mi vuoi
Un mondo si apre
Intorno a noi

E se vorrai crederlo
Io saro l'angelo
Che non ti abbandonera
Quando sul tuo viso
Non vedra risplendere
Dolce il tuo sorriso
E finche non avro
Anche l'anima
Io saro sempre
sulla tua scia
Non puoi fuggire
Perche ti voglio
Perche mi vuoi
Tutto sarai per me

Perche ti voglio
Perche mi vuoi
Un mondo si apre Intorno a noi
Un mondo si apre Intorno a noi


What's the use of crying
And denying what you feel
Stay here if you will
But don't think, just hold me
Let me dream
Of your velvet skin
Skin that I yearn to caress
And for as long as
You're unable to give yourself
I shall never give up trying
It's pointless to run away
Because you're mine
Because I want you
And because you want me
A world is opening
around us

And if it makes you happy
I shall be your guardian angel
Never, ever to leave you
Even when I cannot see
Your sweet smile
Lighting up your face
And for as long as
You're unable to give yourself
I shall never give up trying
It's pointless to run away
Because you're mine
Because I want you
And because you want me
You'll be everything to me

Because I want you
And because you want me
A world is opening around us
A world is opening around us



A volte il cor s`inerpica
In far di fantasia
Tenendo ogn’or la mente
In sua balia
Sappiate che de Voi oramai
Del Vostro viso
Già mi prese malattia
A volte il cuore
A volte il cuore
Di Voi Madonna angelica
Mi inchiude la magìa
Sicchè null’altra veggio compagnia
Non v’accorgete dunque Voi
D’un tal che muore
Di una simile agonia
A volte il cuore
A volte il cuore
Nuda carmina ad majora
Nuda carmina in carmine
Nuda carmina ad majora
"Sagapo malista eis aei"

A volte il cuore
Se dir vorreste voi ch’io sia
Qualunque io sarò
Già son colui che senza star non può
Di dimandare amor seppur
D’amor deriso
Se voleste io sarò
A volte il cuore
A volte



Sentir em nós
Sentir em nós
Uma razão
Para não ficarmos sós
E nesse abraço forte
Sentir o mar,
Na nossa voz,
Chorar como quem sonha
Sempre navegar
Nas velas rubras deste amor
Ao longe a barca louca perde o norte.
Ammore mio
Si nun ce stess’o mare e tu
Nun ce stesse manch’io
Ammore mio
L’ammore esiste quanno nuje
Stamme vicino a Dio

No teu olhar
Um espelho de água
A vida a navegar
Por entre sonho e a mágoa
Sem um adeus sequer.
E mansamente,
Talvez no mar,
Eu veita em espuma encontre o sol do
Teu olhar,
Voga ao de leve, meu amor
Ao longe a barca nua a lodo a pano.

Ammore mio
Si nun ce stess’o mare e tu
Nun ce stesse manch’io
Ammore mio
L’ammore esiste quanno nuje
Stamme vicino a Dio
Ammore mio
Si nun ce stess’o mare e tu
Nun ce stesse manch’io
Ammore mio
L’ammore esiste quanno nuje
Stamme vicino a Dio



Amor ti vieta di non amar.
La man tua lieve, che mi respinge,
cerca la stretta della mia man
La tua pupilla esprime: "l'amo"


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Di Rigori Armato Il Seno

Di rigori armato il seno
Contro amor mi ribellai
ma fui vinto in un baleno
in mirar due vaghi rai.
Ma fui vinto in un baleno
in mirar due vaghi rai.
Ahi! che resiste puoco a stral di fuoco

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Di Rigori Armato Il Seno

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Gloria A Te, Cristo Gesù

Gloria a te, Cristo Gesù,
oggi e sempre tu regnerai!
Gloria a te! Presto verrai:
sei speranza solo tu!
Sia lode a te!
Cristo Signore,
offri perdono,
chiedi giustizia:
I'anno di grazia
apre le porte.
Solo in te
pace e unità.
Amen! Alleluia!

Gloria a te, Cristo Gesù,
oggi e sempre tu regnerai!
Gloria a te! Presto verrai:
sei speranza solo tu!
Sia lode a te!
Cuore di Dio,
Con il tuo Sangue
lavi ogni colpa,
torna a sperare
l'uomo che muore.
Solo in te
pace e unità.
Amen! Alleluia!

Gloria a te, Cristo Gesù,
oggi e sempre tu regnerai!
Gloria a te! Presto verrai:
sei speranza solo tu!
Sia lode a te!
Prega con noi
la benedetta
Vergine Madre:
tu l'esaudisci,
tu la coroni.
Solo in te
pace e unità.
Amen! Alleluia!

Gloria a te, Cristo Gesù,
oggi e sempre tu regnerai!
Gloria a te! Presto verrai:
sei speranza solo tu!
Sia lode a te!
Tutta la Chiesa
celebra il Padre
con la tua voce
e nello Spirito
canta di gioia.
Solo in te
pace e unità.
Amen! Alleluia!

Gloria a te, Cristo Gesù,
oggi e sempre tu regnerai!
Gloria a te! Presto verrai:
sei speranza solo tu!

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Gloria A Te, Cristo Gesù

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Adeste Fideles (O Come, All Ye Fathful)

Adeste fideles
laeti triumphantes
venite, venite in Bethlehem
Natum videte
Regem angelorum
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus

En, grege relicto,
humiles ad cunas,
vocati pastores approperant;
et nos ovanti gradu festinemus.
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus

Adeste fideles
laeti triumphantes
venite, venite in Bethlehem
Natum videte
Regem angelorum
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Adeste Fideles (O Come, All Ye Fathful)


Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright
round yon virgin mother and child,
holy infant, so tender and mild,
sleep in heavenly peace!
Sleep in heavenly peace!

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light,
radiant, beams from thy holy face
with the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord at thy birth!
Jesus, Lord at thy birth!

Sleep in heavenly peace!


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Mille Cherubini In Coro

Dormi, dormi,
sogna, piccolo amor mio.
Dormi, sogna,
posa il capo sul mio cor.

Mille cherubini in coro
ti sorridono dal ciel.
Una dolce canzone
t'accarezza il crin
Una man ti guida lieve
fra le nuvole d'or,
sognando e vegliando
su te, mio tesor,
proteggendo il tuo cammin.
Su te, mio tesor,
proteggendo il tuo cammin.

Dormi, dormi,
sogna, piccolo amor mio.
Dormi, sogna,
posa il capo sul mio cor.

Chiudi gli occhi,
ascolta gli angioletti,
dormi, dormi,
sogna, piccolo amor.

Dormi, dormi,
sogna, piccolo amor mio.
Dormi, sogna,
posa il capo sul mio cor.

Chiudi gli occhi,
ascolta gli angioletti,
dormi, dormi,
sogna, piccolo amor.

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Mille Cherubini In Coro


Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite,
Jesu Jesu Christe.
Jesu Christe. Jesu Christe.

Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite,
Unigenite, Jesu Christe.

Domine Deus, Agnus Dei,
Filius Patris.
Filius Patris
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei,
Agnus Dei,
Filius Patris.
Filius Patris

Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite,
Jesu Jesu Christe.
Jesu Christe. Jesu Christe.

Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite,
Unigenite, Jesu Christe.

Domine Deus, Agnus Dei,
Filius Patris
Filius Patris
Filius Patris
Filius Patris



Pietà, Signore,
di me dolente!
Signor, pietà
se a te giunge il mio pregar;
non mi punisca
il tuo rigor.
Meno severi,
clementi ognora,
volgi i tuoi sguardi
sopra di me, sopra di me.

Non sia mai
che nell'inferno sia dannato
nel fuoco eterno
dal tuo rigor.
Gran Dio, giammai
sia dannato
nel fuoco eterno
dal tuo rigor.

Pietà, Signore,
Signor, pietà
di me dolente!
Se a te giunge il mio pregar;
volgi i tuoi sguardi
su me Signor.

Pietà, Signore,
di me dolente!
Signor, pietà
se a te giunge il mio pregar;
non mi punisca
il tuo rigor.
Meno severi,
clementi ognora,
volgi i tuoi sguardi
sopra di me, sopra di me.

Non sia mai
che nell'inferno sia dannato
nel fuoco eterno
dal tuo rigor.
Gran Dio, giammai
sia dannato
nel fuoco eterno
dal tuo rigor, dal tuo rigor.


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Frondi Tenere... Ombra Mai Fu

Frondi tenere e belle
del mio platano amato,
per voi risplenda il fato.
Tuoni, lampi, e procelle
non v'oltraggino mai la cara pace,
né giunga a profanarvi
austro rapace.

Ombra mai fu
di vegetabile
cara ed amabile,
soave più.

Ombra mai fu
di vegetabile
cara ed amabile,
soave più.

Cara ed amabile,
ombra mai fu
di vegetabile
cara ed amabile,
soave più.
soave più.

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Frondi Tenere... Ombra Mai Fu


In der Kindheit frühen Tagen
hört' ich oft von Engeln sagen,
die des Himmels hehre Wonne
tauschen mit der Erdensonne.

Daß, wo bang ein Herz in Sorgen
schmachtet vor der Welt verborgen,
daß, wo still es will verbluten,
und vergehn in Tränenfluten,

Daß, wo brünstig sein Gebet
einzig um Erlösung fleht,
da der Engel niederschwebt,
und es sanft gen Himmel hebt.

Ja es stieg auch mir ein Engel nieder,
und auf leuchtendem Gefieder
führt er ferne jedem Schmerz,
meinen Geist nun,himmelwärts.



Ave ave verum Corpus
natum de Maria Virgine;
vere passum, immolatum
in cruce pro homine:
cujus latus perforatum
fluxit aqua et sanguine:
esto nobis praegustatum
in mortis examine.



Ingemisco tamquam reus,
culpa rubet vultus meus,
supplicanti, supplicanti parce, Deus.

Qui Mariam absolvisti
et latronem exaudisti,
mihi quoque spem dedisti.
mihi quoque spem dedisti.

Preces meae non sunt dignae;
sed tu bonus fac benigne
ne perenni cremer igne.

Inter oves locum praesta,
et ab haedis me sequestra,
Inter oves locum praesta,
et ab haedis me sequestra,
statuens, statuens in parte dextra.
et ab haedis me sequestra,



Cujus animam gementem,
contristatam et dolentem
pertransivit gladius.

Cujus animam gementem,
contristatam et dolentem
pertransivit gladius.

O quam tristis et afflicta
fuit illa benedicta
fuit illa benedicta
Mater, Mater unigeniti!

O quam tristis et afflicta
fuit illa benedicta
Mater, Mater unigeniti!

Quae moerebat et dolebat,
et tremebat, cum videbat
nati poenas inclyti.
et tremebat, cum videbat
nati poenas inclyti.

Quae moerebat et dolebat,
et tremebat, cum videbat
et tremebat, cum videbat
nati poenas inclyti.

Quae moerebat et dolebat,
et tremebat, cum videbat
et tremebat, cum videbat
nati poenas inclyti.



Ave Maria!
Vergin del ciel,
sovrana di grazie e madre pia,
che accogli ognor la fervente preghiera,
non negar a questo straziato mio cor
tregua al suo dolor!
Sperduta l'alma mia si prostra a te,
e pien' di speme si prostra ai tuoi piè,
t’invoca e attende
che tu dedia
la pace che solo tu poi donar.
Ave Maria!



Ave Maria,
gratia plena,
Maria, gratia plena,
Maria, gratia plena,

Ave, Ave Dominus
Dominus tecum,
benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et te benedictus
Benedictus fructus fructus mortis
ventris tui, Jesus.

Ave Maria,

Ave Maria, mater Dei
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
Ora pro nobis
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis
in hora mortis nostrae,
in hora mortis nostrae,
in hora mortis nostrae.

Ave Maria.



Ave Maria,
gratia plena,
Dominus tecum,
benedicta, benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus
fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
fructus ventris tui, Jesus.

Sancta Maria,
Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.

Sancta Maria,
Sancta Maria,
ora pro nobis
ora pro nobis peccatoribus
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Caccini/Mercurio: Ave Maria

Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
Ave! Ave!
Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
Ave Maria!

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Caccini/Mercurio: Ave Maria


Pour mon âme
quel destin!
J'ai sa flamme,
et j'ai sa main!
Jour prospère!
Me voici
et mari!
Militaire et mari!

Pour mon âme
quel destin!
J'ai sa flamme,
et j'ai sa main!

J'en fais serment!

Pour mon âme
quel destin!
J'ai sa flamme,
et j'ai sa main!
Jour prospère!
Me voici
et mari!

Pour mon âme
quel destin!
J'ai sa flamme,
et j'ai sa main!

Me voici, me voici
Militaire et mari!

Me voici, me voici
Militaire et mari!

Militaire et mari!
Militaire et mari!


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Pourquoi Me Réveiller

Pourquoi me réveller,
ô souffle du printemps?
Pourquoi me réveller
Sur mon front je sens tes caresses,
et pourtant bien proche est le temps
des orages et des tristesses!
Pourquoi me réveiller,
ô souffle du printemps?
Demain dans le vallon
viendra le voyageur
se souvenant de ma gloire première.
Et ses yeux vainement
chercheront ma splendeur.
Ils ne trouveront plus que deuil
et que misère! Hé1as!
Pourquoi me réveller,

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Pourquoi Me Réveiller


Tombe degli avi miei,
l’ultimo avanzo
d’una stirpe infelice
deh! raccogliete voi. Cessò dell’ira
il breve foco… Sul nemico acciaro
abbandonar mi vo’. Per me la vita
è orrendo peso!…
L’universo intero
è un deserto per me senza Lucia!…
Di faci tuttavia
splende il castello! Ah! Scarsa
fu la notte al tripudio!
Ingrata donna!
Mentre io me struggo in disperato
tu ridi, esulti accanto
al felice consorte!
Tu delle gioie in seno,
Tu delle gioie in seno,
Io della morte!
Io della morte!

Fra poco a me ricovero
darà negletto avello…
Una pietosa lagrima
non scenderà su quello!
Ah! Fin degli estinti, ahi,
Manca il conforto a me!
Tu pur, tu pur dimentica
que marmo dispregiato:
mai non passarvi, o barbara,
del tuo consorte a lato… Ah!
Rispetta almen le ceneri
di chi moria per te.
Rispetta almen le ceneri
di chi moria per te.
Mai non passarvi, to lo dimentica,
rispetta almeno chi muore per te.
Mai non passarvi, to lo dimentica,
rispetta almeno chi muore,
chi muore per te.
O barbara, rispetta almen le ceneri…
Ah! di chi moria
di chi moria per te.


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Musetta! Testa Adorata

Musetta! O gioia della mia dimora!
È dunque ver che lungi ora sei tu?
È dunque ver che t’ho scacciata
or ora,
e che sul cor non ti terrò
mai più?

Testa adorata, più non tornerai
lieta sul mio guanciale a riposar!
Bianche manine ch’io sul cor scaldai,
più il labbro mio non vi potrà baciar!
Gaie canzoni die giorni d’amore
la vostra eco lontana già fuggì.
La stanza è muta e il vedovo mio cor
piange nel tedio quei perduti dì!
Quei perduti dì!

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Musetta! Testa Adorata

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - La Dolcissima Effigie

La dolcissima effigie sorridente
in te rivedo della madre cara;
nel tuo cor
della mia patria, dolce preclara
l’aura ribevo,
che m’aprì la mente.
Bella tu sei, come la mia bandiera,
della pugne fiammante entro i vapor;
tu sei gioconda, come la chimera
della Gloria promessa al vincitor.
Bella tu sei, tu sei gioconda.
Sì, amor mi fa poeta.

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - La Dolcissima Effigie


Cielo e mar! L'etereo velo
splende come un santo altar.
L'angiol mio verra dal cielo?
L'angiol mio verra dal mare?
Qui l'attendo; ardente spira
oggi il vento dell'amor.
Ah! Quell'uom che vi sospira
vi conquide, o sogni d'or!
Nell'aura fonda
non appar na suol nd monte.
L'orizzonte bacia l'onda!
L'onda bacia l'orizzonte!
Qui nell'ombra, ov'io mi giacio
coll'anelito del cor,
Vieni, o donna, vieni al bacio
della vita e dell'amor ...


ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Ch'ella Mì Creda Libero

Ch’ella mi creda libero e lontano
sopra una nuova via di redenzione!…
Aspetterà ch’io torni…
E passeranno i giorni,
E passeranno i giorni,
ed io non tornerò…
ed io non tornerò…
Minnie, della mia vita mio solo fiore,
Minnie, che m’hai voluto tanto bene!…
Tanto bene!
Ah, tu della mia vita mio solo fior!

ANDREA BOCELLI LYRICS - Ch'ella Mì Creda Libero


I pray you'll be our eyes,
and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise,
in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer,
when we lose our way
Lead us to a place,
guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe.
La luce che tu hai
I pray we'll find your light
Nel cuore resterà
And hold it in our hearts
A ricordarci che
When stars go out each night
L'eterna stella sei
Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
Quanta fede c'è
When shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe
Sogniamo un mondo senza più violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, di fraternità

La forza che ci dà
We ask that life be kind
È il desiderio che
And watch us from above
Ognuno trovi amor
We hope each soul will find
Intorno e dentro a sé
Another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer
Just like every child
Just like every child

Need to find a place,
guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
È la fede che
Hai acceso in noi
Sento che ci salverà.



Si lo so
Amore che io e te
Forse stiamo insieme
Solo qualche istante
Zitti stiamo
Ad ascoltare
Il cielo
Alla finestra
Questo mondo che
Si sveglia e la notte è
Già così lontana
Già lontana

Guarda questa terra che
Che gira insime a noi
Anche quando è buio
Guarda questa terra che
Che gira anche per noi
A dorci un po'di sole, sole, sole

My love che sei l'amore mio
Sento la tua voce e ascolto il mare
Sembra davvero il tuo respiro
L'amore che mi dai
Questo amore che
Sta lì nascosto
In mezzo alle sue onde
A tutte le sue onde
Come una barca che

Guarda questa terra che
Che gira insime a noi
Anche quando è buio
Guarda questa terra che
Che gira anche per noi
A dorci un po'di sole, sole, sole
Sole, sole, sole

Guarda questa terra che
Che gira insime a noi
A darci un po'di sole
Mighty sun
Mighty sun
Mighty sun


Thursday, December 27, 2012


[Chorus:] Where my str8 jacket at... I'm a psycho Where dat white blo, y dey copy my flow If it's not young money, it's a typo Dere dem lights go, we don't talk to five-o We don't t-t-talk, talk 2 five-o Dere dem lights go, we don't talk to five-o If it's not young money, it's a typo Dere dem lights go we don't talk to five-o [Jae Millz:] Mister officer, mister officer I'm sry I don't wanna take a waaalk with ya Matta fact, I ain't trynna talk 2 ya We ain't got no business, so wat we taaalkn fa It ain't no need to bring me in 4 no interigation Cause about dat boi who jus got shot, I gots no information Dese broke ass snitch niggas styll grame shavn ? @ da pricent writin statements on which your house is da station {DAMN} Not I, tattle tellin is for homos Besides, dats da #1 young money no no Police, we don't chat with dem We ain't got no wrap for dem U in da cop car point niggas out from da back of dem {DERE HE GO} Bac seat informer, your papi shoulda warned ya U even tell PoPo I'm black, & yous a fucn goner Yea u get high, but I get higher Manyana, I jjus mite go 2 da half way house and ask your supervisor [Chorus:] Where my str8 jacket at... I'm a psycho Where dat white blo, y dey copy my flow If it's not young money, it's a typo Dere dem lights go, we don't talk to five-o We don't t-t-talk, talk 2 five-o Dere dem lights go, we don't talk to five-o If it's not young money, it's a typo Dere dem lights go we don't talk to five-o [Nicki Minaj:] Yo... 4, 3, 2 Cocka doodle do I was out in afric, shaka zulu crew Ho ho ho, red stockings to Coming down the chimney, your chopped & screwed It's me bitches, eff u snitches, gimmie da whibbie jibbies So excuse my twitches {EXCUSE ME} Lemme get dat brewskie, nggas kno dem bitches can't do it like a dooskie I jus pull up, chuck da deuce in sum blue denim, & I jus heard he runni with da lutenant I'm da mistress, I be in da district of columbia Yes uh huh, washington Betta ask around, cause I'm wats poppinton I'm who dey think about, playin with dey pee pee Gotta count sheep b, cause I'm never sleepy Guess I'm da chief, u can find me in my TP... BITCHES! [Chorus:] Where my str8 jacket at... I'm a psycho Where dat white blo, y dey copy my flow If it's not young money, it's a typo Dere dem lights go, we don't talk to five-o We don't t-t-talk, talk 2 five-o Dere dem lights go, we don't talk to five-o If it's not young money, it's a typo Dere dem lights go we don't talk to five-o [Gudda Gudda:] Young money cycle, st8 jacket on me Break a nigga jaw if he turn 2 informant I bring ya 2 ya door step, loose slips, sank ships nigga So I'm a bring u 2 da bottom of da ocean (uh chuuch) I hear u preachin like a fucn reverand Should killd u in da first place... no second guessin Coulda killed em with da first and da second weapon DJ Unk em with da hand, I 2 step and deck em Den I grab da choppa, blue flame houston reck em Kick a snitch head thru a goal like David Beckam Make way, respect em I could AK attack em U lookn at a gangster in his essence Now bitch bow down wen a gangster in your presence Cause I'm God's gift like a present For 1 don't try me I could give u 2 lessons u pessants get murdered if u do test em Gudda Gudda gotchu [Chorus:] Where my str8 jacket at... I'm a psycho Where dat white blo, y dey copy my flow If it's not young money, it's a typo Dere dem lights go, we don't talk to five-o We don't t-t-talk, talk 2 five-o Dere dem lights go, we don't talk to five-o If it's not young money, it's a typo Dere dem lights go we don't talk to five-o NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Five-O

Fair To You Lyrics – Akon | Lirik Lagu Terbaru

Fair To You Lyrics – Akon | Lirik Lagu TerbaruSome reason today I ain?t feelin? real good (And I don?t know why) Cus normally I be up and up to no good (And I don?t know why) I feel like it?s gon? be a long day (And I don?t know why) So let me go and put the bullshit beside and tell you like this (So let me go and tell you why)It ain?t fair to you, it ain?t fair to me So let me live my life It?s better the life for the one you want me to be (want me to be) So girl go and do you, cus I?m gon? do me So just live your life We?ll get back together if it?s meant to beSaid you loved me way too much to be friends (And I don?t know why) Feel like you ain?t never gave me a fair chance (And I don?t know why) All and all I loved the experience (And I don?t know why) In the future call forth we?ll be back together again (So let me go and tell you why)It ain?t fair to you, it ain?t fair to me So let me live my life It?s better the life for the one you want me to be So girl go and do you, cus I?m gon? do me So just live your life We?ll get back together if it?s meant to beIf you believe that I got one and back won?t let me live Can you believe that I got small problems that seems so big Can you believe that I got ? got to lie to a four to five And that ain?t right Can you believe that I got ? got to go trust is gone butSee I?ll always love you baby No matter where I go (ooh yeah) Even though you drove me crazy I?ll always keep you close (ooh yeah) No longer happy here That?s why I won?t shed a tear So go ?head and live your life girl Best believe I?ll be right hereIt ain?t fair to you, it ain?t fair to me So let me live my life It?s better for life for the one you want me to be (yeahh) So girl go and do you, cus I?m gon? do me So just live your life We?ll get back together if it?s meant to beSee I?ll always love you baby No matter where I go Even though you drove me crazy I?ll always keep you close We?re no longer happy here That?s why I won?t shed a tear Just go ?head and live your life girl Expect to be I?ll be right here This entry was posted
on Thursday, July 24th, 2008 at 12:00 am and is filed under F.
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I'm a dime, u a nickelette Light skinn impigiment Write my own shyt, ya'll copyright infringement I eat dese rap bitches, sumbodi get me a dinner mint Pussy make him tattoo my name up on his ligament Fuc wrong with dem, my nerves dey keep tweekn Tell em I'm da chief, I'm runnin with Mohikans Tell em dis is church, n tell em I am da decan Tell em dat I'm black, chinese, and butter peacon Pull up in da Range, I'm givin dem more reasons Hit up Lil Wayne, while I'm in da 4 Seasons Tell Gutta mac, n Kid KId I'm here I'm colder den a cough, I'm wetter den swim gear Got all dis lil bitches g-gettin p-pink hair I'm pretty n I'm fly, I'm up in da pink lear I needed an assistant, I got me a pink queer Decorated his office with flowers and pink chairs (chairs) [talking:] Listen... nicki minaj, nicki lewinksy... where da fuc is da president NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Get Silly

NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Keys Under Palm Trees

Hear the Devil callin', I can hear em, It's like I get chills down my spine when I'm near him, Mad, I'm a tad too bad, I don't fear him, I don't need the preachers, I'm the high priestess. Everywhere I go, I get "Hi, nice to meet you.", Bitches know I beast this, I'm the fashionistist. And they know I stay around the white like a groom, Look up in the sky, I see somebody on a broom. I think I'm gettin' hi-high-hi-high on my own supply, Yellin' "Rasta, alright! " when I'm ridin' by, See I used to be the wife of a king, Back when I was smugglin' them things in the bing. Now that I'm a boss bxtch, It's a win-win, Come to Mr. Chow's or meet me in Chin-Chin, Now I get'cha ching & my name bells ring - Oops, I mean my name ring bells, ding ding. [Chorus:] I'm in Jamaica with them keys under palm trees, The leprechaun sees what my palm reads. And if my heart seize, please call my aunties, I think them girls tellin', I hear them boys yellin' [x2] Get down, get down, get down down, Get d- get down, get down, get down down, Get down, get down, get down down, Get down, get down on the ground, Get down, get down on the ground. Man, fxck a P0, And fxck a C0, 'bout to set it off like Cleo, Mad they done tapped my trio, Begged my skio, Heard the bxtch lyin' like Leo. Anyway, I'm the ninja, Kawasaki blazin', In a kimono, "Konichiwa" to the Asians. I kick, kick, kick it like I'm Bruce Lee's son, So all of that yellin' in the street soon done. Cus if I take my ski mask off, then I'm dumbin', The young Chaka Khan, yes - I am every woman. And I am 'bout that coke, not what'cha put the rum in, Say a little prayer, tell the Lord that I'm comin' (comin') [Chorus:] I'm in Jamaica with them keys under palm trees, The leprachaun sees what my palm reads. And if my heart seize, please call my auntie, I think them girls tellin', I hear them boys yellin' [x2] Can you hear the yellin'? Comin' for me, comin' for me-e-e-e. Comin' for me, comin' for me, comin' for me. NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Keys Under Palm Trees


We like them boyz with them rubber band bands. He move weight keep a couple gram grams So (so so so) where your money put it in your hand hands Now (now now now) make it flip make it do a handstand [x2] [Chorus:] Do a handstand can you do a hand stand flip that Money make it do a handstand. I can make it Scream like a summer jam fan where are my bands Where my rubber band mans [Verse 1: Nicki Minaj] It's offical bang your pistols play your money it's funny I mean it tickles. I need a D-boy I need a president and If your spending them stacks I need some evidence. Then you can bring out all them cars that they rap bout. Then I'm a let you eat it like I put the snacks out. don't say You can't say you can say you can can flip that money Flip it like a handstand. [Chorus:] Do a handstand can you do a handstand flip that money Make it do a handstand. I can make it scream like a summer jam fan Where are my bands where my rubber band mans [Verse 2: Shannell] He's a banker by nature he'll call and slick of the debt that You owe and thank ya. he'll switch the toys out never the Same route. but niggas acting like they ain't about to pay out. Taking me out just to ask how my day went. tryna show me I'm his Number one investment. he kno what I like. stay on your job type. I'll pop if you can pop like you got rubber bands we like [Chorus:] Do a handstand can you do a hand stand flip that Money make it do a handstand. I can make it Scream like a summer jam fan where are my bands Where my rubber band mans [Verse 3: Nicki Minaj & Shannell] Cause we like them bad boys and bad cars Them hood rich dope boyz and trap stars [x2] [Verse 4: Shannell] See I'm a rubber lover so wrap it and I'll hug ya. Then we can stick together like them dollars Out the printer. bad boys I catch call me Undercover. street grindin cold cut motherfucker. [Verse 5: Nicki Minaj] Yo yo yo he flip like handstand he cookin them 10 grams. Give him the grand slam in back of the phan dam, I mean the phantom. I can't stand bums. somethin bout His money make a nigga handsme. cuff cuff throw ya badge on me. Guaranteed you can't puff puff pass on me. we can crush crush You can spend your stach on me. cause I kno you want to smach it Like a crash dummy [Chorus:] Do a handstand can you do a hand stand flip that Money make it do a handstand. I can make it Scream like a summer jam fan where are my bands Where my rubber band mans NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Handstand

NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Best I Ever Had (Remix)

Baby you my everything You all I ever wanted We could do it real big Bigger then you ever done it You be up on everything Other hoes ain't never on it I want this forever I swear, I can spend whatever on it Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up When I get right I promise that we gone live it up She make me beg for it, till she give it up And I say the same thing every single time I say [Chorus:] You the fucking best [x4] You the best I ever had Best I ever had [x3] I said you the fucking best. [Drake:] Know you got a roommate Call me when there's no one there Put the key under the mat and you know I'll be over there (Yup!) I be over there Shawty I be over there I be hittin' all the spots that you ain't even know was there (Ha!) And you don't even have to ask twice You can have my heart, or we could share it like the last slice Always felt like you were so accustomed to the fast life Have a nigga thinking that he met you in a past life Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin' with no make up on That's when you're the prettiest I hope that you don't take it wrong You don't even trip when friends say, "you ain't bringing Drake along?" You know that I'm working I'll be there soon as I make it homeeeee And she a patient in my waiting room Never pay attention to the rumors and what they assume And until them girls prove it I'm the one they never get confused with cause [Bridge:] Baby you my everything You all I ever wanted We could do it real big Bigger then you ever done it You be up on everything Other hoes ain't never on it I want this forever I swear, I can spend whatever on it Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up When I get right I promise that we gone live it up She make me beg for it, till she give it up And I say the same thing every single time I say [Chorus:] You the fucking best [x4] You the best I ever had Best I ever had [x3] I said you the fucking best. [Nicki Minaj:] Ayo you the only one that see the real nicki I can show you chill nicki cause of how you deal with me And they knock my blocks down you come and you build with me Even though you real busy he's that fucking real drizzy It's so amazing I figured out this world is ours for the taking I figured out that when I go out and those people scream That some of them are living bi-curiously thru me That's why I put the s on my chest and I'm gone But on another note let's have sex in my dorm And I'm a' make you beg cause you look pretty when you begging So meet me on the campus I'll be there around eleven So let me put my books down Excuse me if I look down Guess I'm a little nervous When I'm at your service Look at what you took downnnnnnnnn [Bridge: Nicki Minaj] Baby you my everything You all I ever wanted We can do it real big Bigger then you ever done it You be up on everything Other niggas never on it I want this forever I swear I could spend whatever on it That's why I hold you down Every time you hit me up When I get right I promise that we gone live it up I make you beg for it Until I give it up You say the same thing every single time [Chorus:] You the fucking best [x4] You the best I ever had Best I ever had [x3] I said you the fucking best. [Drake:] Sex, love, pain Baby I be on that Tank shit Buzz so big, I could prolly sell a blank disc When my album drop bitches will buy it for the pictures And niggas will buy it to and claim they got it for they sister Magazine, paper girl well money ain't the issue They bring dinner to my room and ask me to initial She call me the referee cause I be so official My shirt ain't got no stripes but I could make your pussy whistleeee Like the Andy Griffith theme song Who told you to put them jeans on? Double cup love, you the one I lean on Feelin' for a fix then you should really get your feen on Yeah, just know my condo is the crack spot Every single show, she out there reppin' like a mascot Get it from the back and make your fucking bra strap pop All up in yah slot till a nigga hit the jackpot I'm sayin [Bridge:] Baby you my everything You all I ever wanted We could do it real big Bigger then you ever done it You be up on everything Other hoes ain't never on it I want this forever I swear, I can spend whatever on it Cause she hold me down every time I hit her up When I get right I promise that we gone live it up She make me beg for it, till she give it up And I say the same thing every single time I say [Chorus:] You the fucking best [x4] You the best I ever had Best I ever had [x3] [Talking:] Uhh. Ahh Yeah See this the type of joint you gotta dedicate to somebody, Just make sure they that special somebody. Young money NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Best I Ever Had (Remix)

NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Nicki Minaj Speaks #2

Okay so I'm just, y'know briefly run down my shoutouts, um Shoutout to all of the deejays that's ever showed Nicki Minaj love I love you right back, um Shoutout to DJ Holiday, um, y'know just cause he has really nice eyes and y'know he's really sexy and all that Um, shout out to, my baby Big Mike and Trapaholics, and, um Sticks Malone and DJ Infamous and DJ Drama Um, I also have a very crazy manager Her name is Debra Anthony And um, she's psychotic, she's bi-polar, um but nevertheless she's mine, ALL MINE Oh, I have to share her with Gucci Mane and I have to share her with, OJ Da Juice and I have to share her with the So Icey boys and, y'know Waka Flocka Flame and all that but y'know she's all mine anyway [echoes] ("The Aphilliates, nigga! Holla at'cha..") NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Nicki Minaj Speaks #2


[Nicki talking] Yo, SB. I think it's my time... You know why? My tears have dried, And I know that no weapon formed Against me will prosper. And I truly Believe that my haters are my motivators. Young Money. [Chorus] If you could you would get rid of me, Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard? But I won't let you get to me (to me) You should already figure I'ma go hard. If you was as real as me you would never Let another girl sit in yo throne. I done put the choke hold on now They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!" I am, I'm Still the one to beat. Ain't in a rush from these streets I am the streets. I am gettin it in until the end I gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD! [Verse 1 - Nicki] Carter called, lemme get the car key, you don't want it with the Harajuku Barbie Keep a marquis, everything sparkly (man man down! ) hit em on a walkie-talkie. Hit em, hit em knock-knock, tell em let me in. my name ring bells bitch buzz me in And I only stop for pedestrians, or real real bad lesbian. Hit em wit the Mac, hit em wit the Tec 9, hit em wit the Ruger by the intersex sine. Hit em wit a Tommy so my niggas call me Pammy and I always the jammy in the trunk or in the lamby Put my whole burrough on my back and I'm gooda, I don't wanna hear what you would, what you coulda I represent all the girls that stood up, used to drink water wit a little bit of sugar. Now I'm in the gym with my squats and my sit-ups, doin the scissor-leg on the mat wit my foot up. Young black pin-up, all of my bitches did up, now I'm tellin LA Reid to step his bid up. And I'm tellin President Carter he picked a winner, bitches like nelly and kelly got a dilemma These birds all fly south in the winter, fuck I look like chompin on a chicken dinner? You can hate me, but why knock my hustle; I'ma be a queen no matter how they shuffle Skirts with the ruffle, louis on the duffle. I'm a bad bitch no muzzle. (no muzzle). Bitches is softer than Al Dente, cut from a different kentae. tell em I'm the ninja, Weezy is my sensei. so I call him Splinter, faster than a sprinter. gimme my chopsticks I'll have the rap bitches for dinner. This is for my gentlemen in button-ups and khakis This is for my nigga 7-up in Castaki This is for my niggas wheelying them Kawasakis Shout out to the back east salt fish ackes kisses is to my fans, unless I'm feeling kinda cocky. Winter Wonderland is on my hand, it's kinda rocky. I am Nicki, Minaj or Lewinski. Pumps on the clutch, right hand on the six-speed. Write my own raps I gotta go, I gotta get me (gotta get me.) OOhhh! [Chorus] If you could you would get rid of me, Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard? But I won't let you get to me (to me) You should already figure I'ma go hard. If you was as real as me you would never Let another girl sit in yo throne. I done put the choke on now They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!" I am, I will, I gots to win. I'm still lookin around for my Com-pe-tition. I am gettin it in until the end I gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD! [Verse 2 - Lil Wayne] From slap-and-cry you start to die, so I must go harder. Gotta make these bitches know me just like Bobby know water. Better yet, like Bubba, know shrimp. but he don't say shit When the gun on his lip, and I don't say shit put the gun On my hip. so I don't say shit but the gun on my hip. If you don't wanna drown don't come on my ship Check out how them bitches just run on my dick And me, I'm that nasty son of a bitch. I still got that bitch cum on my lips It yee ain got money, don't come on my strip And if ya got money, don't come on my strip I wear that metal, no olympic, but I can still Make you tumble and flip You fuckin wit me if you fuckin wit Nick They ain't fuckin wit me ,they ain't fuckin wit Nick Your girlfriend and she just split Cuz she wanna fuck me and she wanna fuck Nick They wonder if he be fuckin Nick, as long as she be fuckin rich That's why I keep my luggage cuz, I swear yall's a fuckin trip. Young Money Dungeon, bitch. my swagger is just punching bitch And I shoot like I'm from over-seas, so call my gun, "Gunovich" Weezy F. Baby and the "F" is for a bunch of shit Red drank, blue pill, white dust Yes I love my country bitch. ([Wayne:] yeah!... guitar.) [Chorus] Wish you could get rid of Young Money, Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard? But I won't let you get to me (to me) You should already figure I'ma go hard. If you was as real as me you would never Let another girl sit in yo throne. I done put the choke on now They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!" I am, I will, I gots to win. I'm still lookin around for my Com-pe-tition. I am gettin it in until the end I gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD! NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Go Hard


[Gucci Mane:] Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Yyyeeeeeeeeaaaaaaa Ah ah ah gucci ah [Verse: Gucci Mane] I gotta shoppin problem She gotta shoppin problem I'm a composive shopper So I'm a cop her prada I'm a ice her outta Make ya talk about her She got this thang about her Yea she a sexy walker We shoppin in maraco I took her to go buy Lil mama stupid fly So tell me watcha like Cause gurls I like to buy My money stupid fat His money on a diet Ten stacks to keep her quiet I make her call me daddy Yea there go daddy baby And she loves daddy cause Daddy gone keep dem hatin Yea they hatin baby They wanna trade places I call her sexy lady She call me gucci baby [Chorus: x2] She gotta fendi fetish She gotta shoppin problem Dat gurls a shopaholic She only mess with ballers She gotta gucci fetish She gotta louie problem She gotta shoppin problem Dat gurls a shopaholic [Verse: Nicki Minaj] Yo I'm a need a couple of dem benzess... I be out in china spendin yenzesss Gucci on my lenzzess My leather so sensative Scratch my 9 o' clock I wanna shop make ya tenezzzz Dilly dilly d look at all deze hoochies I be on tha beach in Emilio Pucci I'm a I'm tha best I'm tha best ask Khaled Sorry lil daddy dat cards not valid I need a limited black card, like I'm racist With dem real big faces Louis Vuitton cases Hoes in da hood say Nicki Minaj booshie... I do it b.i.g. so I keep a couple coogies hoezzzz NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Shopaholic


[Verse 1: Gucci Mane] Banana boat full of blow Banana clip to cut ya throat Banana dro come pack a smoke Banana diamonds yellow gold Heavy snow that berry blow That cherry coke got stupid dough Plenty mo you think I booked a Hundred, shows I'm selling dope I'm into wishin rolling cushion Sippin lean and burnin piff, you Gotta piff? I gotta pint you Took a shot I took a sip. I plead The 5th ain't saying shit go get My lawyer get him quick spent 80 Grand to beat a case I whipped it Like my purple whip. I caught a Hit like sosa did them killas Blast ya house ya monkey, I got So much jewelry on me still you Can't take nothing from me. hook It up I cook it up and get some Head while rolling blunts. water Paint, water stain I'm lookin Down she lookin up. beamer truck I rim it up spent 80 thou (400 Stones), she suck a dick while Rollin blunt she keep the boss Man bustin nuts. I get it off she Get it up me and her both can't Get enough me in the go I'm in The go so tryna beat that pussy up [Chorus] Welcome to my private party more hoes than a Bachelor party Smokin, drankin, freakin, shit can turn into a Slumber party You can't meet my mama ah uh but here go my Number shawty When you feelin freaky mama we can have a Slumber party (A slumber party mama have a slumber party) (You can't meet my mama ah uh but here go my Number shawty) (When you feelin freaky mama we can have a Slumber party) (We can have a slumber party) [x2] [Verse 2: Gucci Mane] Her negligees are burberry Her lingerie came very straight Her oral sex is very wet my sex so great she gainin weight I cook a cake she cook a steak we three estates you section 8 Stay out her face she hardly date she fuckin Gucci shawty DAMN Everdays a ballin day just yesterday we bought a Lake tomorrow Bought us 2 camaros our way down the 68 we Trappin fast with Stupid cash so rap on with yo stupid as it's Gucci Mane no stupid ass I keep on making Stupid cash [Chorus] Welcome to my private party more hoes than a Bachelor party Smokin, drankin, freakin, shit can turn into a Slumber party You can't meet my mama ah uh but here go my Number shawty When you feelin freaky mama we can have a Slumber party (A slumber party mama have a slumber party) (You can't meet my mama ah uh but here go my Number shawty) (When you feelin freaky mama we can have a Slumber party) (We can have a slumber party) [x2] [Verse 3: Nicki Minaj] Got that super soaker pussy pop like cola coka plus it's tighter than a choka Got em smilin like the joka got that na-na-na-na-na-na-na lil mama ain't On my linin when yo momma sleepin you can call me and get all up in it Bank rolls gimmie all them pretty furs cause my pussy game cold when he hit it He say bur he say bur bur bur bur bur I'm a I'm a marry her and he pull late with dat Pur like he strumgin his guitar that's me I am minaj I am ni ni nicki minaj and if you want a Menage keep a couple pretty boards look head game busy busy make a nigga dizzy dizzy Bitch I'm at that slumber party sippin on that frizzy chrissy NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Slumber Party

NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Nicki Minaj Speaks #1

Holiday, Holiday, slow that shit DOWN! C'mon now, they done.. they know I do it They know when I do it it get done Two sticks in my bun, but, but first of all when I say two sticks in my bun, I mean that when I put a bun in my hair Like when I put my hair in a ponytail and I wrap my hair in a bun I put two Chinese sticks in my bun with the Chinese bang Cause y'all y'all minds is in the gutter That's what two sticks in my bun mean, okay? But Holiday you already know, y'knahmsayin? They heard that hard spittin, they heard that fast shit NOWWWW, y'know, you gotta slow it down for them y'know Umm, they wanna hear me sing Y'know behind every bad bitch there's a really sweet girly, girl There's a really sweet, Harajuku Barbie, and umm Now it's time for them to hear me [inhales] get all nice and soft and, moist I I mean, I'm-I'm sorry I didn't mean, I didn't mean to say that I meant, this is the portion of the tape where I just wanna be more, y'know, delicate and... wet [SPLASH] I'm I'm, I'm so, I I, I didn't mean to say that I meant, that y'know, Holiday just slow it down daddy! NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Nicki Minaj Speaks #1


I got my mind on my money and I'm not goin awayyyy... So keep on gettin yur paper... [Brinx:] Now you hold it's yur excellence... see I t.c oh forward slash president... east side resident oh so evident... brinx billy ride cousin black on black phantom 26's on the side of em... ninas on the side of em... goonies on the side of em... anybody can get it boy be careful on the side of them... these niggas are burial guns no fearial... money hungry honey with me if you holla she gonna carry you... flyer than a aireal vechical gerital... sittin on my feet when I'm stuntin on them people... I tell no fabels everyhting chillen... fax machines office max see me for that paper... you workin for short bread ain't my money long youngin... bxtch I'm on trappin more digits than a phone number different time zones on em kill them niggas lyrcially... left side of my closet look invaded by italy... right side paris left side flaggin paper is is my main chick me and money married... and that's all a nigga knoes bitch that's why them brand new niggas is all up on my old shxt... [Speaking: Nicki Minaj] That's what I did I came up out the truck... you what I'm sayin... I chuck my dueces like... that's all I do like... young money nicki minaj it's the ninja harajuku barbie and all of that... nah I'm sayin all that... me gettin money you writin disses we gettin money... yeaaaaa boiiiiii Hit me my limozine... all in yur magazine... and when I come they betta lean like a Promethazine they say nicki nice... I'm about my money mama... and tell michelle I got my eye on barack obama... tryin to get that modana you kno hannah montanna... and you can find me sittin indian style with the dolly lama... konichiwa I get my yin and say sayonara... I'm medatating and I'm in conhootz with a higher power... mind on money money on mind mind mind on my money mind (yo hoe rai que quo)... mind on money ay mind on my money babe... how does this money taste wine in yo moneys face... you see the signs and the teachings... well if you didn't knoe well this is grindin season... now and go get yur gangs signs throw it up... all my niggas on them bikes throw it up... we don't care what you say... we ain't gonna win no way... my niggas bring the heat like a summer day... so mind on my mutha fckn money mind on my mutha fckn money oooooo... [Speakin: Busta Rhymes] Ayo I speak forgien lanuages and shxt... but the lanuage is speak is that monney lanuage... hahahah flipmode bxtch... brinx I like how we do the brinx truck job on these niggas homey... time after time again I like niggas and remind niggas how I hold out on mutha fckas... Niggas out here frontin about they bread you can't trust it niggas my money so stupid call me warren busta buss nigga... glad it ain't a toss and everything about me butters I've been counting money so long I see dollar signs and different colors... my money is smear and smutherd yur money you hear me brotha been about that bread like I was broke or still in the gutta... and in case you ain't knoe there will be no repalcement and them bags of arab money I got stashed in the basement face it... when ever I shine I glisten and when ever I talk you listen ain't no money gettin made in these street without my premission I keeps it drug infested my money is well invested it's to the point my ? is well respected you need to check my method I promise you I be the wrong nigga that's comes to my money that you ever want to mess with grind like missionary labor holding indigutary paper you already knoe my team is filled with ? ears we made you... I don't give a fck about yur stipulation... type of bread appropriate for every situation... you can tell by the jewlery sittin on my collar from the bread to the crib I knoe all about the dollar NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Mind On My Money


Hay; hay hay ya know it jus dawned on me I am Nicki Minaj A HAHA HAHA HAHA [Verse 1:] I ain't know the president live in D.C. And I aint know they call me Nicki Lewinskie I never knew that dude with Jay was Pimp C And I aint know I be with Paris and Lindsey I jus know dat I be on my fly girl shit I fly girl pop up and I fly girl dip I fly girl stunt like a fly girl flip And I dont never guzzle it I fly girl sip Now get dat rose get dat get dat rose a lil hennesy and louie tha 13 Now every body look my way my way Excuse all my haters cause they lookin sideways Lets get it now [Chorus:] You got me wrong You be sittin by tha bar when its yo song You can act like you dont like it butcha do you do you do do do do do I think Im gonna kill tha mutha fuckin DJ if he dont let let tha record replay ra ra record replay record replay I think I'm gonna kill tha mutha fuckin DJ. [Verse 2:] I aint know tha police was the babylon. And I aint know Im cold just like an avalanche I never knew my titties was bigger than Pamelas So paparazzi flickin be Flickin they camera I just know dat I be on my fly girl shit my fly girl stomach and my fly girl hips I fly girl ball with my fly girl mitts and I can only kiss another fly girls Lips Now get dat O.J get dat get dat O.J. a lil cranberry and some remy mone Now every body look my way my way Excuse all tha haters cause they lookin sideways Let's get it now [Chorus:] [Verse 3:] Welcome like sex an while they be flexin cause they know dat this they song So interestin frontin like they best in damn dem bitches got me wrong Wrong wrong wrong Got me wrah-wrah-wrah-wrah-wrah wrong Got me wrah- wrah-wrah-wrah-wrah-wrah-wrah-wrah-wrah-wrah wrong [Chorus:] NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Kill Da DJ


Yep [x24] Yo a yo I was on the plane wit Dewayne You can call me Whitley I go to hill mane. Listen, I'm the baddest in the school, the baddest in the game. Excuse me honey but nobody's in my lane. When you was in New York, you was fuckin' the Yankee. I was fuckin' wit base, I was pitchin' to Franky. These bitches so cranky, give them a hanky. My mommy I'm cold gimme my blanky Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa Okay Okay Whoa Whoa Holiday Wait Hold on Hold on Holiday You can't give it to them dry like that you got to get that shit Wet first nigga like come on now you got to prep them for shit like that They cant just get that shit right of the top Like you got to bring that Shit back, Bring that shit the fuck back Yep [x24] Yo a yo I was on the plane wit Dewayne You can call me Whitley I go to hill mane. Listen, I'm the baddest in the school, the baddest in the game. Excuse me honey but nobody's in my lane. When you was in New York, you was fuckin' the Yankee. I was fuckin' wit base, I was pitchin' to Franky. These bitches so cranky, give them a hanky. My mommy I'm cold gimme my blanky Flyer then a kite I get higher than Rapunzel. Keep the snow white I could buy it by the bundle Stack your cookies up for they crumble. Don't be actin' like the cardinals and gone fumble (fumble). 'Cause I'm a steeler fresh up out the dealer. All the dope boys gone feel her. Flow so sick I need a healer. Fuck, where is my mac concealer. I be out in queens on the back of fort weep weep the weep the wheelers I'm a big deal. That's why I get more head than a pig tail. Put some ranch on I'm gettin' the munchies. I think I have a rap bitch from a entree' 'Cause they be thinkin' niggas spit, spit shine my shoes. You know I keep a bad bitch let me sign your boobs. I'm the only thing hoppin' like a kangaroo. I mean the only thing poppin' like a can of brew. Listen you should buy a sixteen 'cause I ride it good. That eight o eight woof woof 'cause I ride it good. And bitches can't find their man 'cause I ride it good. I'm the wolf where is little red ridin' hood. If you see an itty bitty piggy in a market. Give that bitch a quarter and car tell her park it. I don't fuck wit pigs like As-Salamu Alaykum, I put em in a field I let Oscar Myer bake em. And if you see an itty bitty piggy in a market. Give that bitch a quarter and car tell her park it. I don't fuck wit pigs like As-Salamu Alaykum, I put em in a field and I let Oscar Myer bake em. [Nicki talking] It's like I'm just single handedly annihilated. You know every rap bitch in the building. Like like I'm Nicki minaj, Nicki Lewinsky, Nicki the ninja, Nicki the boss, Nicki the harajuku barbie. Like I mean I don't even know why you girls bother at this point. Like give up, it's me, I win, you lose. Hahahahahahaha o shit hahaha yo. I'm a bad bitch, I'm a I'm a bad bitch [x4] Hahahahahaha I told you, I told you before, I told you yall was gonna have to pick my fruit out. Now listen, in addition to pickin' my fruit out I want yall to start going to the boutiques. Know what I'm saying. Get some get some get some crazy shit for me. I want I want you know leopard skin and you know I want I want all that crazy lizard skin shit like you know make sure. You can be my personal shopper. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha A yo Yep [x4] NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Itty Bitty Piggy


[Hook:] I gets crazy [x32] you's like when i feel really crazy, i just get my broom and fly away...i go real real far away. Young Money. That's...that's that's just what we do. Ya know,i mean we wear straight jackets, and we, we,we, we st-stay ya know in padded rooms. And ya know, and fly away. I just came out of the mutherfuckin Old School Got my Mac notebook with the Pro tools Yahh Bitches ain't ready for Nicki Lewinsky Bad "WOOF WOOF" flyer then a Frisbee So I'm up in Mid-LA eating Mangos Keep a couple Pink Toes in my Sandals Got some Bangles all over my Ankles Such a Star they say I'm a Star Spangle Buh Buh Buh Buh Buh Banner I am the Rap Hannah Mah Mon Montana so fix your Antenna I keep three hoes, But don't call me Santa And I am flyer then Reindeer in the Winta (In the Winter) [Hook:] I Get Crazy [x4] I I Get Crazy I Get Crazy [x4] [Nicki Minaj:] So I got a Badd Bitch mentality Cause I just came from another Galaxy I be with the President up in the White House If we in the Oval Office then the Lights Out Cause I am the Wicked Witch I'm' the Nickster And I keep a Bad Bitch on my Jickster But I leave her in a second for a Thicker Rockstar little mama with a Guitar I am Nicki El.Em.En.Oh.Winsky I mean my name Ring Bells like Tinky I mean Tinker Tell that Niqga Link her Cause I'm' looking for some Good Brains from a Thinker [Hook:] I Get Crazy [x4] I I Get Crazy I Get Crazy [x4] [Lil Wayne:] 1, 2, 3rd Floor Hospital Bound Niqgas is Doors and I knock Niqgas Down Straight jacket crooked, I hear you Lookin I promise I'm Hard, And I swear you Pussy I ain't crazy, No yes I am Right up in the Coo-Coo nest I land I'm fly now Eat mah Bird shit Yeah I'm' crazy, I'm crazy about your Bitch Wild Animal on mah Bewildered Shixtt I love Brain so I'm' Looking For a Nerd Bitch It's' Nicki Minaj, The Superb Witch And Weezy F. Baby, No Weezy F. Crazy [Hook:] I Get Crazy [x4] I I Get Crazy I Get Crazy [x4] NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - I Get Crazy


You know, a lot of people ask me why I feel, that, you know I've gotten a lot of notoriety so quickly And, umm, I don't know People seem to be under the impression that, I made it to this point, FAST And, y'know obviously for me I don't feel like that cause it's me y'know I feel like I've been doing it, for ten billion years But, every time someone says something like that to me I remember to just thank God for, y'know, getting me this far Cause sometimes you don't realize how far you've gotten until you look around and, and you look at the people who who, who are still trailing so far behind you And I know that, that no matter what, it's in the end it's not gonna be about my talent, y'know It's not gonna be about my connections It's not gonna be about my looks It's, it's gonna be about, who wants it, the most Annnnd, I want it the most! NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Intro

NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Lollipop (Remix)

[Intro:] Ow, Uh huh No Homo I said he so sweet make her wanna lick the wrapper So I let her lick the Rapper She She She lick me like a lollipop She She lick me like a lollipop She She She She lick me like a lollipop She She lick me like a lollipop [Chorus:] Shorty wanna thug (yeh) Bottles in the club (yeh) Shorty wanna hump (yeh) You know I like to touch (yeh) Those lovely lady lumps (yeh) (she lick me like a lollipop) Shorty wanna thug (I like that) Bottles in the club (I like that) Shorty wanna hump (yeh) You know I like to touch (yeh) Those lovely lady lumps (yeh) Come on Yeah [Verse: Lil Wayne] Ok, lil mama had a sawgg like mine She even wear her hair down her back like mine I make her feel right when it's wrong like lyin And man she ain't never had a love like man But man I ain't ever seen a ass like hers That pussy in my mouth had me lost for words I told her back it up like urp urp Make that ass jump like jurp jurp And that's when she [Lil Wayne] She she she lick me like a lollipop (o yeh I like that) She she lick me like a lollipop (yeh I like that) She she she lick me like a lollipop (yeh I like that) She she lick me like a lollipop (yeh) [Chorus:] Shorty wanna thug (shorty wanna thug) Bottles in the club (bottles in the club) Shorty wanna hump (wanna hump) You know I like to touch (like to touch) Those lovely lady lumps (lovely lady lumps) Shorty wanna thug Bottles in the club Shorty wanna hump You know I like to touch Those lovely lady lumps [Static Major] Ok After you back it up then stop Drop it shorty Drop it like it's hot Ooooo drop it like it's hot Don't stop [Nicki Minaj while Static sings] Ay um You know They noe I got the fattest pussy in the business Like I don't even know why ya Ya know wat I mean Like come on I'm Nicki Minaj Ya know how the fuck I do Nicki-lewinski President Cater Young Money [Verse: Nicki Minaj] Shorty wanna li li li li lick me like a lollipop Shorty said he li li like the way I make punany pop Shorty wanna li li lick me in the candy apple drop I got that presidential cooch When he see it he salute Cause ain't no nappy pubes Just alot of juice A little mohawk Posing for the Photog He get me so He get me so He get me so smart He make my pussy sing Ahhhhh Like it's Mozart He say the pussy pretty It look like show art He say who pussy is it And I say yours And when he spank this I make that pussy fart I'm such an actress Melissa Joan Hart [Verse: Lil Wayne] Shorty said the nigga that she with ain't shit Shorty said the nigga that she with ain't this Shorty said the nigga that she with can't hit But shorty I'm a hit it hit it like I can't miss And he can't do this And he don't do that Shorty need a refund Need to bring that nigga back Just like a refund I make her bring that ass back And she bring that ass back Because I like that [Chorus:] Shorty wanna thug (yeah I like that) Bottles in the club (yeah I like that) Shorty wanna hump (yea) You know I like to touch (I like that) Those lovely lady lumps (ya) Shorty wanna li li li li lick me like a lollipop Shorty wanna li li li li lick me like a lollipop Shorty wanna like me (like a lollipop) So I let her lick the rapper (she she lick me like a lollipop) Shorty wanna thug (shorty wanna thug) Bottles in the club (bottles in the club) Shorty wanna hump (wanna hump) You know I like to touch (like to touch) Those lovely lady lumps (lovely lady lumps) [Lil Wayne] Call me so I can make it juicy for ya Call me so I can get it juicy for ya Call me so I can make it juicy for ya Call me so I can get it juicy for ya Call me so I can make it juicy for ya Call me so I can get it juicy for ya Call me so I can make it juicy for ya Call me so I can get it juicy for ya [Chorus:] Shorty wanna thug (yeah I like that) Bottles in the club (yeah I like that) Shorty wanna hump (yea) You know I like to touch (I like that) Those lovely lady lumps (I said) Shorty wanna thug Bottles in the club Shorty wanna hump You know I like to touch Those lovely lady lumps [Verse: Lil Wayne] I get her on top She drop it like it's hot And when I'm at the bottom She Hilary, ride em The middle of the bed Giving, getting head Giving, getting head Giving, getting head [Breakdown:] I said mmmmmm (I like that) Said mmm mmm mm (yeh I like that) I said mmmmm mmm mmm (yeh I like that) Mm mmmmm [Lil Wayne] Call me so I can come and do it for ya Call me so I can come and prove it for ya Call me so I can make it juicy for ya Call me so I can get it juicy for ya [Outro: Lil Wayne] Shorty wanna li li li li lick me like a lollipop (lick me like a lollipop) She She She lick me like a lollipop (lick me like a lollipop) I said he so sweet make her wanna lick the wrapper So I let her lick the Rapper NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Lollipop (Remix)


Ya kno dey say Nicki spit crazi Get it poppin like M 80's or twin tre 80's Yunq money first lady Ya kno Baby qirl of dha qroup I'm also known as Baby qirl in dha coupe Neva qet mi confused as Baby qirl in dha hoop Ckuz Nicki stai fly Like dat cash money dude I'm stuntin on dese hoes Like marilyn monroe I qot a s curl flow I spit slick ya kno Need I don't jus spit raps Need chit chat Nicki could qet it in Nicki could spit gats Ya qirl qot hustle Nicki could pitch crack But Nicki rather chill Need stack a mill While dese hoes Stai in hoods like rats 4 real Ma voice stai on dha track Like a mac 4 real Rotten dha baseline like Quille o neal Gassed ya baby father 4 dha keys 2 dha escalade Not a baby momma But I'm drama like kay slate Wat can I sai Dhatsz how ya qirl do Ya qirl stai fresh down 2 dha cuticles Ma people smoke dutches We don't fuck with bamboo I'm a winner mommi Ya career's a gamble Old ass broad Off track Like bad weaves Nicki stai on her toes On point like ballerines Lemme remind u I'm qettin a tan 2 Ya caramel dream Ya qirl from queens Dey say I'm 2 pretti 2 b spittin 16 I should b on dha screen Posin 4 maybelline Or b a baby phat qirl Kitten on ma jean Hood star broad Black barbie doll Pardon mi if dha cockiness Botherin ya'll I'm jus bein Nicki Minaj ya kno Girl from around wai Widout dha l cool j Ma u spit koolaid I spit acid out Doin dis since U was reebok classic doubt Need dis hoe wanna qet at nick Y Cause I baqqed her baby daddy She ain't seen him since Nick so gudda Lil white tee Need sum air max on Sum dolce gaban Pretty panties on Like wait Till dha summer catch me Up in dha hummer On ma wai 2 555 front Run with dha rucka And every baller wanna Neva give out ma number Onli dha email Cherry holla Name a qirl as real as her No not dem Who's ya best MC Nick Fox & Kim Cnt 4 qet rem Nick up in dha porsche Box or dha benz NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Whos Ya Best MC?


How you gon tel me I'm not the best that came out the west um I mean the east I'm the president but I don't live in dc I rep the ny fyi I said I rep the ny fyi I get them pies to the guys that say ayyyaya I'm the head honcho get work from papi and dead poncho put in the roncho I mean the range ro where we let them things go I onli fucc with dudes that could let they chain show I'm such a 80s bay thing you could beat me then you azycra? bitches having pushing out abybay won't you be my dj like lazy k I'm such a psycho niggas call me micko nicki been hot since you was on your tricycle bitches romans country men used to salute the president with your country friend bitch you ain't writing shyt you get 10% and you softer than dem dudes witthey wristes bent it's nickelodeon I am the president where my podium why these girls salty why they sodium is it because my flow slicker than petroleum see I'm the yellow bus girl say nicki you the best and I tell em urr duhh you tell me wat I know I guess I must concur I'm the reason why these bitches yellin fucc her cause everybody hate when your great and your caking and wen I say caking I ain't talkin bout bacon but they gon get it all wring fuccing with dem fake thugs and dem fake don juans say he got workers lik the kids in hong kong but he ain't getting chips unless you count them bon tons tell that nigga womp womp cause he ain't getting chips unless you count them bon tons NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Womp Womp


You be yellin boom boom when yah really pum pum See my flow hotter then noon in june june If Biggie was alive he sign me Im the New Edition like Bobby & Ronnie Just give me the beat & a bottle of Dasani & I dont need Clyde Im a boss Fuck a Bonnie Yah digg? Religious like the preachers Came here to warn yah Listen bitches I'm the teacher Go sit in the corner How many Times I gotta spit Till they noe that I'm the bitch Im flyer Den a maget Im on sum shit 1st they love you then they switch Yea they switch like fagets Thats why I keep the lama In Gabana Fabric Im the shit Should be in pampers Like Markie Bizz Give anybody the business Like hers or his's Cuz my flow tighter then them virgin bitches you noe them asalamlakum dem Persian bitches & if you miss me I'm swervin 6's Got damn aint even pregnant but I'm birthin bitches Cuz I got Flavor like that girl Delicious Stop actin Like you a killa with them girly disses bitches I aint johnny but my my my she want it with me tell her fi bloodclot try you aint through I'm the truth you a lie My whole borough yellin out boom bye bye cuz when I seen her she was shakin in her boots When Nicki came thru she was throwin up her duce Slap her then I asked her wats my name She said N.I.C The president of the NYC Yah dead wrong These bitches is buns You got it going on Aye Yung Nic yah dead wrong Okay. Chea! Dirty money nigga wha? When I do it it's done & goddid it I won nigga - I'm dead wrong My nigga patty to the dupe, nigga catty to the coupe nigga chea ya dead wrong My nigga diggs on the board, Oh lordy on the board nigga ya dead wrong.. NICKI MINAJ LYRICS - Dead Wrong